Who You Become Comes Before What you Have

Joy and Abundance in business are mere outcomes. To manifest them, one has to first become that person who can produce those outcomes. The only way to become that person who can manifest Joy and Abundance is by investing in our continuous learning. When we start investing in our learning as a way of life, it’s not what we get in return, or what we pay for, it’s always “Who We Become”. The best investment one can do is the one on “Self”, as that’s the only way to transform your “Being”. As you keep transforming and elevating yourself to a higher dimension, your desires will come alive, as desires are a mere outcome of becoming deserving, which is again in the domain of “Who You Become”
When it comes to investing in self, the thumb rule is to go all the way out and take massive action with a sense of urgency. The magnitude of success lies in the speed of implementation or action taking. Results or outcomes are directly proportional to the speed of actions, faster the actions, larger the success, slower action will result in delayed success or at times minimal success due to economic forces of higher supply than demand.
What you have today is a mere print out of “Who You Have Become Over The Years”. Therefore in order to navigate from where you are to where you desire to go, the only way is to keep investing in “Becoming A Better Version Of Yourself” and yes that’s THE ONLY WAY. My urge is for you to share this message with as many people as you think, this could be of help. Let me know in the comments section, if you know of any other way to fast forward your Joy and Abundance in Business than the aforesaid?