Shift Your Mind Set From Surviving To Scaling , Right Now

During this lockdown, I find most successful entrepreneurs have their complete focus on scaling their business rather than spending time harping over survival. I find their efforts and advertisement budgets have doubly accelerated during this time than most normal times. Yes, they will certainly have the last laugh and it’s no destiny.
Success of any business largely depends on how soon entrepreneurs can shift their mindset from survival to scaleduring times of crisis. It’s all about the time, the rate or magnitude of success is directly proportional to the pace of navigation of thoughts from survival to scale.
One has to recognize that, there is nothing wrong with the survival mindset, in fact it is a normal human response to fear, however success falls in the lap of those who take actions beyond their patterns of survival. It is therefore, evident that feeding survival is counterproductive↘️ to business growth↗️ and entrepreneurs must be forward looking in the best interest of their employees, customers, stakeholders and last but not the least, themselves.
SCALE OR SURVIVE, where are you in your mind today?