Delay in Taking massive Action despite Having knowledge Is Why,”We Are where we Are

The sum and substance of why we are, where we are and what got us here, is our delay in taking massive actions.
In today’s digital age, lack of knowledge is no longer an excuse for inaction and lack of abundance in our lives. Blaming our parents and teachers are no longer relevant as one cannot hold them responsible anymore for not passing on the knowhow on how to be Purposeful, Joyful & Abundant in every dimension of our lives. Most of the wisdom today is out there, courtesy of many successful, generous souls and masters who believed in contribution as their way to growth. They are around us now, more than ever.
What’s really holding us today is our lack of massive action, that predomimantly has its roots in the lack of belief or faith in ourselves considering our past experiences of unproductive events.
Its time, we start loving ourselves and accept that the delay was normal, natural and that success is a marathon and not a sprint. Let’s start living today as the first day of our lives, as a new beginning, as a new person and start taking massive action, not just for us and our communities but more for those generous souls, our masters who touched our lives with their hearts and the purest intent of our growth.
The quality of our lives that we live today is nothing but a consequence of our delay in us taking massive actions despite possessing the recipe or the knowledge or the formula and not the lack of possessing them. If you know of someone who leads a better quality of life today, it is purely because of their faith in themselves, which transpired to faith in others, which inturn led to taking massive action and thus seeing the results and the cycle goes on and on and on with every leap of faith.
The time to change is NOW.
Let’s reinvent ourselves for a better today and tomorrow.
Let’s do it, let’s do it and let’s do it.
With you in this journey… Leave a comment if you think this is your story and let me know whats holding you back from Massive Action